I Believe in Christmas: A North Pole Musical
A North Pole Musical by TJ Davis
Tickets go on sale

Braden Baxter needs a Christmas miracle.  Out of luck, out of a job, and completely out of money, he falls asleep on Christmas Eve wondering how his young children will react when they wake to discover that Santa didn’t come.

Fast asleep, Braden is transported via his dreams to a magical North Pole world where everything is in crisis and he’s the elf in charge!  With help from his workshop co-workers (who bear a striking resemblance to several of his cooky neighbors), he comes up with a crazy, musical plan to save the entire North Pole operation.

Written by Pickleville’s own TJ Davis, “I Believe in Christmas” is a re-imagining of our widely acclaimed “Once Upon a North Pole Christmas” last produced in 2021.  The show features a cast full of Pickleville favorites, a chorus of beautiful dancers, a sleigh-full of laughs, and plenty of holiday musical numbers to put you in a festive mood.  It’s the perfect family Christmas event, helping you create a lasting memory during the most wonderful time of the year!

It’s the perfect family Christmas event, helping you create a lasting memory during the most wonderful time of the year.  Join the thousands of families who count Pickleville Christmas as their favorite holiday tradition!

Fri. April 28 - 7:30pm
Sat. April 29 - 2pm
Sat. April 29 - 7:30pm

Murray High School Auditorium
Fri. May 5 - 7:30pm
Sat. May 6 - 2pm
Sat. May 6 - 7:30pm

Ellen Eccles Theater
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The Legend of El Diablo
Starring Juandito
The Legend of El Diablo
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Cast List is coming soon! Stay tuned for more information
Gallery is coming soon! Check back later for photos!
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